Radical Openings: Potentialities in 2024

What if we open – radically open – our minds and hearts to listening, learning, and loving ecosystems (beings of relationships) with all their players, forms, and ways of living? What if we let the clouds of our assumptions, reductionism, and materialism part so that we could see into a field of greater possibilities?

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Deep Emergence

While still known as Monterey Bay Meditation Studio, there is an emergence of a new and evolutionary being – a very different form of MBMS or, for that matter, any meditation studio or most-any anything. This MBMS is not so much an organization; it is more of an organism.

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A Message from Katie

How do we know if and when to make a change that’s certain to shake things up for ourselves and others? And when we feel an inner pull toward or away from something, can we trust this inner knowing, even when it feels scary and uncertain?

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Katie Dutcher
Inquiring Deeply

As we are frantically searching for answers and solutions for current personal and global crises, I wonder if we missed an important step … What if the answers are not in the answers but are in the questions?

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Introducing the MBMS Pathways

Wherever you are on this journey, there is a pathway calling you. As you travel, you might have a sense of entanglement – that the Pathways intersect, weave together, and sometimes lie in parallel lines touching the same scenery from different perspectives.

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Upcoming EventsMarianne Rowe
Shining Light in the Dark

As we, in the Northern Hemisphere, enter into the long, dark nights of winter, I find myself in a contemplative mode. My energy is slowing down, after a very full and fulfilling autumn. I’m wanting to rest, read and reflect on my year … and years. I find myself gazing at stars and sleeping in the light of the moon. I’m holding a paradox of excitement and sadness. I’m feeling very, very human … and very alive.

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Upcoming EventsMarianne Rowe
Love of Place

Topophilia (coined by Yi-Fu Tuan) means love of place– our mental, emotional, cognitive (and, I would add, spiritual) bonds to our surrounding environment. Biophilia is our “urge to affiliate with other forms of life” (E.O.Wilson). These inherent loves are wired right into us, as human beings on earth. So when we are separated from the land and all its beings, there is just something missing. Have you felt this – a sense of malaise, a deep longing, an unnamable sadness or loneliness?

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It Takes a Community

Coming to terms with the complexity and the immensity of the current global and environmental changes calls us to realize our connection – to discover ourselves as a tree in a forest, as a drop in an ocean, in order to sense the larger system of which we are part. In whatever way you are experiencing and processing all that is happening in the world, you are not alone. None of us is alone if we let ourselves be together.

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Upcoming EventsMarianne Rowe
Setting the Intention to be Present

A couple of weeks ago, I returned from vacation— a blend of car-camping, hiking, and backpacking where I was fortunate to spend most or all of every day outdoors. I was fortunate in this, and I was intentional. This trip was big for me: like many of us, a trip away from home is more special and rare now than it has ever been — we treasure times away and plan them with care… and we hold plans lightly because we have seen them change in the blink of an eye.

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