Relationship with Earth & All Beings
“What we need today then is a different ethos of responsivity, one that situates us in a web of becomings, and allows us to care for the small ways our links with others and the world at large have consequences.”
For those of us who have been acculturated to a sense of individualism and consumerism, effective and beneficial response to current individual and global circumstances of chaos and collapse is sourced in a shift of consciousness. We are called to participate in an evolutionary leap from living a story of separation and materialism to a story of interbeing and reverence for all life.
How we show-up in relationship with all beings matters … big time. Relationship is the field of catalyzation, creativity, and connection … the binding power that actualizes coalescence and coherence. The qualities that we embody in our relationships can lead to a life of separation and separating or to a life of belonging and interbeing.
Through MBMS, we are dedicated to co-creating networks of learning/un-learning, action, and collaboration that evoke a sense of aliveness, meaning, and purpose in a changing world. Through our online Mighty Networks platform, individuals connect and co-create as they participate in courses, conversations, and collaborations, such as HomePlace, Mycelial Mingle, Climate Cafes, experiential book studies, and practice groups.
As we sense MBMS as an organism rather than an organization, we cultivate our collective capacity as a mycelial constellation – an interconnected network with a shared purpose of resourcing awareness and kindness in a changing world. With a mutual dedication of shifting from a culture of separation, hierarchy and top-down control to a culture of connection, collaboration, and creativity, we honor Life, in all forms, as an evolutionary process sourced in relationships of reverence and reciprocity, intra-personal growth, service and cultural healing.
Like stars in a constellation, we recognize and honor that each of us has their own unique light, experience, and perspective. And simultaneously, together, we are part of a totality that is beyond any of us alone.
“Kinship refers to relationships of mutual responsibility, where we care for each other, and we create bonds with each other that make it so that, regardless of what the law says, and regardless of how severe a problem is, or regardless of what our rights are, we have an abiding sense that we need to care for others.”