Evolution of Consciousness & Spirituality
“We don’t have to know the path ahead in order to walk it.”
Turning towards evolving Consciousness and engaging Spirituality are currents of responding rather than reacting in a time that some have called a Galileo Moment. As when Galileo determined that Earth revolves around the Sun, assumptions about anthropocentrism (the position and purpose of human beings in the world) are shifting and collapsing. There is a pervasive atmosphere of anxiety, grief, reactivity, and overwhelm when we try to stop climate, economic, social, and cultural changes or hold-on to what-has-been in the story of separation and the culture of modernity-coloniality.
Whether or not we are talking about it, we are all, directly or indirectly, experiencing impacts of these changes. Every thing and every body is affected. As we become more aware of the enormity of what is occurring and discover that our former avenues of distraction or coping are less available, we come to personal and collective crossroads of continuing-on as we have been or of finding a different way-of-being, meaning-in-life, and purpose-of-living.
As we wake-up to the living reality of imperfection, uncertainty, and impermanence, we grow into the benefits of embodying a larger perspective, and show-up with a depth of caring, dedication, and creativity previously unexpressed:
When we let go of dependence on current structures of belief and sense-making (a.k.a., the myth of “one perfection”), we cultivate our capacity for “sitting in the grit” (maintaining clarity and compassion even in discomfort) and feel more ease;
When we let go of dependence on predictability (a.k.a., the myth of “one path”), we open to accepting more than one perspective, experience, or way-of-being and feel more curiosity;
When we let go of dependence on permanence (a.k.a., the myth of “one anything”), we discover the preciousness of the present and diversity and feel more appreciation for the miracle of adaptation and evolution.
As we expand the circumstances of experiencing more of our capacity for ease, curiosity, presence, and gratitude, we find ourselves more deeply engaged with Life (as-it-is), more kindness and compassion with ourselves and all beings, and more expression of our individual and collective creativity and potentiality.
As we have come to realize, conceptual awareness alone does not create compassionate and sustainable Living. In order to provide space, inspiration, and support for dispelling cultural myths of separation and re-membering coherence of interbeing, MBMS offers connections, opportunities, and practices for the cross-pollination, diversity, and creativity that nourishes healthy and adaptive eco-systemic relationship … relationship that nourishes Life and thrives in service of Love as a vehicle for the Evolution of Consciousness and Enlivened Spirituality.
“We are dreaming of a time when the land might give thanks for the people.”
Evolution of Consciousness / Spirituality Offerings
In-Person Community Event
Sunday, March 23, 1:00 - 3:00 PM Pacific
Now, more than ever before, we need to sense ourselves as community, coming together to support, assist, and inspire each other as we, along with every living being on Earth, face and meet the change, uncertainty, loss, and growth of being alive.
Online Gathering
Wednesday, March 26, 9 - 9:30 AM Pacific
Join us to re-member the power of practicing in a group, establishing a weekly rhythm of cultivating a sense of community and belonging as we engage, together, through sharing practices of meditation, exploration, and deep listening to ourselves and each other.
Online Gathering
Wednesday, April 2, 9 - 9:30 AM Pacific
Join us to re-member the power of practicing in a group, establishing a weekly rhythm of cultivating a sense of community and belonging as we engage, together, through sharing practices of meditation, exploration, and deep listening to ourselves and each other.
9-month Online Program
April - December
Being Outdoors: Sensing the Sacred is an online, experiential program designed to cultivate a deep relationship of reverence & reciprocity with all Outdoors. Over the course of 9 months, participants engage community, meditation, relational practices, & learning as pathways for self-discovery & Interbeing consciousness.
Online Experience
Monday, Apr. 14, 9 - 11 am Pacific
Warm Data Labs and People Need People are a series of conversations where individuals share their stories and experiences during a facilitated experience.
Online Gathering
Wednesday, April 16, 9 - 9:30 AM Pacific
Join us to re-member the power of practicing in a group, establishing a weekly rhythm of cultivating a sense of community and belonging as we engage, together, through sharing practices of meditation, exploration, and deep listening to ourselves and each other.
Online Gathering
Wednesday, April 23, 9 - 9:30 AM Pacific
Join us to re-member the power of practicing in a group, establishing a weekly rhythm of cultivating a sense of community and belonging as we engage, together, through sharing practices of meditation, exploration, and deep listening to ourselves and each other.
Online Gathering
Wednesday, April 30, 9 - 9:30 AM Pacific
Join us to re-member the power of practicing in a group, establishing a weekly rhythm of cultivating a sense of community and belonging as we engage, together, through sharing practices of meditation, exploration, and deep listening to ourselves and each other.
Online Gathering
Wednesday, May 7, 9 - 9:30 AM Pacific
Join us to re-member the power of practicing in a group, establishing a weekly rhythm of cultivating a sense of community and belonging as we engage, together, through sharing practices of meditation, exploration, and deep listening to ourselves and each other.
Online Experience
Monday, May 12, 9 - 11 am Pacific
Warm Data Labs and People Need People are a series of conversations where individuals share their stories and experiences during a facilitated experience.
Online Gathering
Wednesday, May 21, 9 - 9:30 AM Pacific
Join us to re-member the power of practicing in a group, establishing a weekly rhythm of cultivating a sense of community and belonging as we engage, together, through sharing practices of meditation, exploration, and deep listening to ourselves and each other.
Online Gathering
Wednesday, May 28, 9 - 9:30 AM Pacific
Join us to re-member the power of practicing in a group, establishing a weekly rhythm of cultivating a sense of community and belonging as we engage, together, through sharing practices of meditation, exploration, and deep listening to ourselves and each other.
Online Experience
Monday, Jun. 9, 9 - 11 am Pacific
Warm Data Labs and People Need People are a series of conversations where individuals share their stories and experiences during a facilitated experience.