MBMS Currents


Mindfulness/Meditation offerings invite the cultivation of present moment awareness which allows us to fully experience our lives and respond intentionally to ourselves, others, and the world around us.

Relationship with Earth & All Beings offerings focus on cultivating our capacity for being aware and being kind as the foundation of our relationships with Life in all forms.

Outdoor Engagement offerings invite us into mindful awareness and connection with the great outdoors! The offerings in this current are founded in an understanding that we are not separate from nature, but rather that we are an inextricable part of this world. 

Evolution of Consciousness/Spirituality offerings invite recognition and embodiment of Interbeing as a perspective and a way of living. With awareness of a Deeptime perspective we understand that we and all beings are embedded in an ever-expanding, evolving Universe of increasing complexity and connection in a field of infinite potential.

These offerings support us in deepening our understanding and participation in the sacred consciousness that creates our world.

More info coming soon.