All life on this planet is experiencing what it is to be alive in unprecedented times.
Individually and globally, we face political, economic, educational, social, cultural, and environmental change and transformation. We are feeling “Everything everywhere, all at once,” as change deepens and time seems to accelerate.
Although the way of sense-making in the Western culture of Modernity seeks certainty, knowing, linearity, and hierarchical ordering, we are being shown (and experiencing) that quite the opposite is true.
There is no certainty or absolute knowing.
There are no straight lines in the natural world.
Attempts to assume dominance over expressions of Life are destined to, eventually, fail.
No form of Life exists in or as an expression of only one context.
While there is no map for meeting what is emerging in today’s world, there is, however, guidance from wisdom traditions and previous cultures for navigating challenges, grief, and feeling alone.
There is paradigm-shifting information from science that points to a different perspective of how-things-work.
There are teachings from the natural world of living systemically, in co-collaboration, to produce a healthy eco-system that affirms Life, diversity, adaptation, and creativity.
There is an arc of increasing complexity and connectivity within a rhythm of collapse and creativity in which the Universe continues to expand in a field of infinite potential.
We stand in the crossroads. We are present to the discomfort and tension of being pulled between former habits, assumptions, and perspectives and the possibility of stepping into the unknown territory of a different way-of-being with ourselves, each other, and the world in which we live.
Naturally, questions arise:
How do I be in-relationship with these circumstances?
Who am I now? Who am I becoming?
Where do I go when I am lost in where I am?
What do I say to my children?
When will I be able to make sense of what is happening?
“Eye of the Hurricane 1: Conscious Relationship with Personal and Global Change” explores these questions and more. Together, we learn and practice navigating the tension of crisis and opportunity from a place of holding paradox — engagement and stillness, personal and collective, grief and joy — by cultivating a steady mind and open heart. In this way, we begin to shift our relationship with current personal and global circumstances to living with and from the truth of uncertainty, not-knowing, unpredictability, and change.
Facing multi-faceted challenge and uncertainty calls for access to multi-faceted support, resourcing and growth.
Images from the Hubble Telescope offer us a map of transformation, as we engage through the lens of Deep Time and Deep Adaptation perspectives:
Contemplative exploration of the natural process of evolution;
Guided meditations to access inner resources;
Somatic and energetic practices that cultivate a steady mind and open heart;
Reflective writing to process and integrate internal and external changing;
Relational perspective that supports a larger, Deep Time perspective;
Creative expression of what is emerging from the emergency;
Engagements with the more-than-human world that deepen our sense of belonging and open us to receiving teachings from forms of Life that survived and evolved through multiple planetary collapses ... long before we homo sapiens even arrived ...
… We learn and practice together stabilizing our inner worlds as we move through major outer transitions.
Join us as we find our seats in the Inflection Point of Liminality ...
… As we source our choices and actions from a foundational and inspired place…
… In service of shifting into cultivating a new paradigm, a new story of how we are being in the world.
This shift is the orientation that we practice in this course.
Teacher: Marianne Rowe with guest Stephan Martin
Tuesdays, Aug. 26, Sep. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
5:30-7:00 pm (Pacific)
$230 – Supporter (I want to offer more support to this important work.)
$180 – Regular (I can pay at the regular level.)
$115 – Partial Scholarship (Money is tight. I can pay at this level.)
This course meets online via Zoom, with additional components on our online community platform. When you register, we’ll send you the details to access the session on Zoom.
As a humane being, co-founding teacher of Monterey Bay Meditation Studio, and licensed marriage and family therapist, Marianne is dedicated to cultivating eco-systemic consciousness and living in-cahoots with Earth, Cosmos, and Life in all forms. Marianne’s insatiable love of learning has led her into certifications as a nature & forest therapy guide, eco-therapist, California naturalist, and Authentic Relating facilitator, along with certifications in eco-psychology, climate stewardship and climate psychology. She has been practicing meditation since the last century and teaching mindfulness meditation to children and adults since 2006.
Her sense of belonging and aliveness is sourced and deepened through walks, sits, and gazing with the Pacific Ocean, forest, night skies, along with evolutionary, envisioning conversations with beloved friends and colleagues. Read more
This offering is part of the Evolution of Consciousness/Spirituality, Mindfulness/Meditation, Outdoor Engagement, and Relationship with Earth and All Beings MBMS Currents.