Radical Realities: Questions Arising from the Quantum Field

As many of you know, I love learning, I love healthy relating, and I love exploring possibilities. Recently, I am engaging and courting these 3 loves through a course about the extraordinary world of quantum physics. Right now, I know just enough to be dangerous, and I don’t understand any of the math. 


However, what has me intrigued in this current learning is that, in the quantum world, it’s all about relationships, possibilities, and infinite potential. These three foundations seem, to me, to be particularly pertinent as we are living in this time of major transformation … i.e., How we are being with ourselves, each other and all beings has a direct impact on the future that we are co-creating for ourselves and for all future generations. From this perspective, questions that arise are: since my way of being is setting the foundations of the future, “What is the future that I want to live in (or that I want for my grandchildren and great grandchildren)?” and “What is the future that I am evoking?”.

So, with a bow to the quantum field and a sourcing in the realm of infinite potential (where radical realities live), I invite you to slow down and suspend the limitations of assumptions and what-has-been, as I offer these questions for your contemplation:

  • What possibility lies beyond the paradigm of separation and assumption, of either-ing and or-ing?

  • What might emerge as we cultivate compassion and deepen understanding through addressing, repairing and healing what has occurred in the past as an essential part of creating a new story of how we are being together in the present and future?

  • How might we embody the evolutionary arc of increasing complexity and connectivity as we discover and tend to more of ourselves and each other?

  • What is the relational being that I wish to see and be?

  • What if we open to potential rather than repeating the past by reactivity?

  • What if I focus on catalyzing and cultivating my own relationship of reverence and reciprocity with all beings, as a way of supporting the evolution of consciousness through this time of global transformation?

 … Notice with curiosity and compassion what sensations arise, as you give attention to these relational possibilities as a pathway to creating and cultivating radical realities …

In a quantum field, anything is possible and everything will happen. 
Energy follows attention and is shaped by its qualities. 
What we focus on, we amplify.
When we live it, our vision drives where we go.
With these considerations in mind, what choice do I/we make?

When exploring effective responses to the current global circumstances, writer, philosopher, and activist Bayo Akomolafe offers the African proverb, “The times are urgent; let us slow down.” 

Throughout September, Monterey Bay Meditation Studio invites us to slow down in service of discovering more of who we are and connect more deeply with ourselves, each other and the world we live in. This month, we invite you to connect with yourself through “Nourish and Flourish,” connect with each other through our online community, and connect with Earth and her beings through “Mindful Walking and Meditation.” As we deepen our relationships, we discover more of our potentiality for healing, caring, and evolving. This way of being opens a portal to a new field and engages us in writing a new story for ourselves and for the world.
