NASA, Hubble Space Telescope Image
“Before words, before brains, and before consciousness, there was the deep desire to exist, and the eventual discovery that it is only through relationship that we survive.”
-- Brian Swimme
Mindful Relating: Presence of Mind and Heart focuses on deep listening, skillful speech, compassionate presence and awareness of Interbeing, in service of cultivating conscious and meaningful relationships with all beings.
What might it mean to communicate in a way that leads to deeper understanding and intimacy?
How could you skillfully set boundaries while maintaining an open heart – honoring yourself, the other person, and the relationship?
What if conversations about differences led us to feeling connected rather than separate?
How might we co-create a different world by being more relationally intelligent?
Our relationships hold the potential of being a source of healing and transformation. They can provide a sense of connection and belonging, as well as a field for rewriting old beliefs and patterns. Amazing things happen when we bring awareness and intention to the relationship as having as much value as the individuals who are co-creating it.
The focus of Mindful Relating is on evolving reactive patterns into conscious relationship as a pathway of weaving shared reality, promoting healing, and cultivating transformation.
Relational games
Practical skill-building
Mindful discussion
… we engage and embody mindfulness as a pathway to healthy relationality. Our experience of Life and the world we live in is shaped by the way we show up and engage with all other beings. The essence and essentiality of right relationship is addressed from ancient wisdom traditions to quantum physics.
In fact, many would say -- it’s all about relationship. How we are with each other reflects how we are with ourselves … and everything.
“...peace is the wholeness created by right relationships with oneself, other persons, other cultures, other life, Earth, and the larger whole of which all are a part.”
~Earth Charter
March 14, 21, 28, April 4
5:30 - 7:00 PM Pacific
With Marianne Rowe
Cost: $148
Marianne Rowe, MS, is a Founding Teacher of Monterey Bay Meditation Studio and a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist. She is certified as a Nature & Forest Therapy Guide, Eco-therapist, California Naturalist, and Authentic Relating Facilitator. Marianne also holds certifications in Eco-psychology, Climate Stewardship, and Climate Psychology. In her professional roles as a psychotherapist and meditation teacher, as well as in her personal life, Marianne focuses on healing and transformation through awareness and connection. She is dedicated to catalyzing and cultivating ecosystemic consciousness and relationality in service of respecting Life in all forms. Read more
This offering is part of the Evolution of Consciousness and Relationships MBMS Pathways.