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Eye of the Hurricane 2: Personal & Global Healing, Transformation & Evolution

Individually and globally, we have begun a journey of transformation. This journey is potentially one of profound relational healing, deep cultural transformation, and evolution of consciousness.

What are the qualities of being that will support and enhance our clarity, connectedness, and compassion? 

Once we have access to the eye of the hurricane, we have a different view. We can see clarity and potentiality that were previously hidden. 

“In this moment when the certainty of our future is dissipating like the meltwater of warming glaciers, we know we are living in both a scientific age and times of mythic consequence.”
– Robin Wall-Kimmerer

Bringing our best self to being in relationship with unprecedented personal and systemic collapse and change is what we, this planet, and all beings need right now. In Eye of the Hurricane 2, we explore, develop and practice the qualities and perspectives that are essential to grow into who we truly are, as a conscious response to what is happening now.

  • How do we bring the best of ourselves to systemic change and collapse in service of creating a future that is very different from the past?

  • How do we shift from a deadening, linear, and limiting structure of separation to a life-enhancing, multi-dimensional and evolutionary ecosystem that is in alignment with how the Universe and all her parts actually are?

  • How do we expand our inner capacities in service of personal and global transformation?

  • How do we cultivate resources for unconditional willingness to be present, to love, to forgive, to care, to tend, to celebrate Life, to stand with Death, to change and to evolve?

Astronomer and author, Stephan Martin, offers his expertise, insights, and cosmic contemplations to our journey, as our Special Guest Teacher.

In Eye of the Hurricane 1, we explored and experienced practices that cultivate access to our capacities of emotional regulation, resilience, conscious responsiveness, and clarity of mind. We began to shift our relationship with current personal and global circumstances to living with and from the truth of uncertainty by engaging the lenses of Deep Adaptation and Deeptime Perspective.

 In Eye of the Hurricane 2, we cultivate the expansion and deepening of the qualities of being that bring our best self to this time of transformation in service of seeding conscious relationships, ethical actions, and reverence for Life. For guidance, we turn to the teachings of indigenous cultures, wisdom traditions, somatic healing, emotional processing, quantum theory, and cultural change.

 We continue to track our journey through images from the Hubble and James Webb Space Telescopes.

Our resources include: 

  • Resmaa Menakem

  • Joanna Macy

  • Vanessa Andreotti

  • Thomas Berry

  • Brian Swimme

  • Zhiwa Woodbury

  • Duane Elgin

  • Karen O’Brien

  • Charles Eisenstein

  • The Earth Charter

  • Readings from:

    • We are the Middle of Forever: Indigenous Voices from Turtle Island on the Changing Earth 

    • Original Instructions: Indigenous Teachings for a Sustainable Future

    • “Ethical Maxims for a Marginally Inhabitable Planet 

We engage a number of practices including:

  • Meditation

  • Invitations for conscious relationship with the Outdoors

  • Trauma healing through somatic practices

  • Creativity

  • Reflective journaling

  • Envisioning

Through deep listening and conscious sharing, we co-create a community of respect, spaciousness, learning and exploration through which emerge new ways of being with ourselves, each other and the world. 

From this well, we inspire and support each other as we do what we can, where we are, with the best of ourselves in service of healing, transformation and evolution.

"If we can just get a glimpse of it, we can begin to think at the level that's required to deal with it effectively. ... [the solution would be] to reinvent ourselves, at the species level, in a way that enables us to live with mutually enhancing relationships ... with all beings."
– Brian Swimme

Please Note:
This course is limited to 12 participants.
Completion of Eye of the Hurricane 1 is not a prerequisite for participation in this course.
An established meditation practice of some sort is highly recommended.
If you have any questions about the course, please contact

Teacher: Marianne Rowe
Tuesdays, Oct. 24, 31, NOV. 7, 14, 21, & 28
5:30-7:00 pm

$210 - Supporter (I want to offer more support to this important work.)
$160 - Regular (I can pay at the regular level.)
$95 - Partial Scholarship (Money is tight. I can pay at this level.)

This course meets online via Zoom, with additional components on our online community platform. When you register, we’ll send you the details to access the session on Zoom.

Marianne B. Rowe, MS, is a Founding Teacher of Monterey Bay Meditation Studio and a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist. She is certified as a Nature & Forest Therapy Guide, Eco-therapist, California Naturalist, and Authentic Relating Facilitator. Marianne also holds certifications in Eco-psychology, Climate Stewardship, and Climate Psychology. In her professional roles as a psychotherapist and meditation teacher, as well as in her personal life, Marianne focuses on healing and transformation through awareness and connection. She is dedicated to catalyzing and cultivating ecosystemic consciousness and relationality in service of respecting Life in all forms.

Stephan Martin is an astronomer, educator, and author who has taught astronomy, physics and consciousness studies at colleges, universities, and learning centers across the US for over 25 years. He is currently adjunct faculty in the Consciousness and Transformative Studies program at John F. Kennedy University, the Director of the Deeptime Leadership Program,  and Co-director of the continuing care program at the Center for Spiritual Emergence in Asheville, NC where he assists clients in living more conscious lives from an expansive perspective. Steve frequently offers experiential workshops on stargazing, astronomy and personal transformation at observatories, learning centers, and other popular veneers around the world. He is the author of Cosmic Conversations: Dialogues on the Nature of the Universe and the Search for Reality.

This course is part of the Spirituality/Evolution of Consciousness and Relationships pathways.

This event meets online via Zoom, with additional components on our online community platform. After you register, we’ll send you the access details.

Having a space that is quiet and where you are not likely to be interrupted will contribute to a more beneficial experience for yourself and all participants. Co-creating a container of respect and presence for this conversation will enhance the benefits of this experience for each and all of us.

For this offering:

  • We recommend that, if possible, you view this event on a PC or laptop so that you have access to Gallery view and can see all the participants.

  • We also encourage you to keep your video on so that a sense of community and engagement is cultivated.

Registration Policies (please read) 

By registering for this course, you agree to receive notifications from Monterey Bay Meditation Studio.