Posts in Upcoming Events
It Takes a Community

Coming to terms with the complexity and the immensity of the current global and environmental changes calls us to realize our connection – to discover ourselves as a tree in a forest, as a drop in an ocean, in order to sense the larger system of which we are part. In whatever way you are experiencing and processing all that is happening in the world, you are not alone. None of us is alone if we let ourselves be together.

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Upcoming EventsMarianne Rowe
Setting the Intention to be Present

A couple of weeks ago, I returned from vacation— a blend of car-camping, hiking, and backpacking where I was fortunate to spend most or all of every day outdoors. I was fortunate in this, and I was intentional. This trip was big for me: like many of us, a trip away from home is more special and rare now than it has ever been — we treasure times away and plan them with care… and we hold plans lightly because we have seen them change in the blink of an eye.

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Imagining the Unimaginable

Last week, during my morning beach time, I stood for quite a while and watched a coyote walk around on top of a whale carcass. (An Invitation for You: Let yourself pause for a moment here, allowing a vision of this pairing to form in your mind.) I had never seen anything like this before… in fact, I had never imagined anything like this before.

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Sharing Our Stories

Recently, Marianne and I wrote our story, the story of a vision, of two teachers, of our callings to be of service in an ever changing world, and of what happens when intention meets the power of community. You are a part of this story, see, because here you are!

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Realizing and Fully Embodying Aliveness

I remember that I'm walking around in miracles... there's no way anyone could make this stuff up. Not in our wildest dreams could we create a system of beauty, balance and fecundity such as Earth. It's just here as a living and evolving result of 13.8 billion years, and I and you and all beings are part of it. This realization is its own wonder-filled reunion -- a remembering that takes my breath away, and I smile.

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In Love with Earth

A couple years ago, when Katie and I were sitting together enjoying a beautiful view of Monterey Bay, I said, “I think Earth as-we-know-it is dying;” I then told her about the commitment I had made to my husband in his last months and said I was making the same commitment to Earth.

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