Shining Light in the Dark

As we, in the Northern Hemisphere, enter into the long, dark nights of winter, I find myself in a contemplative mode. My energy is slowing down, after a very full and fulfilling autumn. I’m wanting to rest, read and reflect on my year… and years. I find myself gazing at stars and sleeping in the light of the moon. I’m holding a paradox of excitement and sadness. I’m feeling very, very human… and very alive.

In this dark stillness, I’m listening for guidance -- What is wanting to emerge through me in 2022? How, where, when and to whom are my offerings being called to serve? 

The phrase Right Relationship repeatedly arises. I’m thinking, now, that this phrase is the guidance that I am requesting.

In my mind and heart, right relationship is sourced in caring, kindness, generosity and reciprocity. There are elements of attunement (heart) and understanding (mind) -- not necessarily to be in agreement, but more of being in compassion and consideration. This way of being arises naturally as I deepen my consciousness of Interbeing -- there is regard for all forms of life (human and more-than-human) as being as important as myself. A guiding quality is a dedication to help each other out and to grow. One of my favorite lines from Hafiz comes to mind, “Life is so very difficult. How can we be anything but kind?” This question seems particularly pertinent in the throes and uncertainties of today’s circumstances.

Of course, in order to be in right relationship with anyone and anything, I need to cultivate right relationship with myself. That means paying attention to signals to tend to what is needed -- whether it’s nourishment, rest, healing, respect, appreciation, celebration, or kind companionship. Right relationship beyond myself is graciously offering this same way of being with others -- human and more-than-human.

It’s clear to me now… cultivating right relationship with myself, Earth, and all beings is the light I can offer into the dark times of 2022. As a therapist, teacher, and friend, I am blessed with many opportunities and arenas to make this offering. After all, quantum physics continues to show us -- it’s all about relationship. How we are being together with Earth and all beings determines the what-that-happens. The action and quality of connection lives in the space between us. This is a space of swirling potentialities… it matters big-time what I bring to it. The more I am conscious of and responsible for this agency, the more beneficial engagement I can bring to the Big Gumbo of Life. A little sweetness with the saltiness is just what’s needed. 

Writing this blog has shown light into my own darkness… Thank you for listening.

MBMS offers several opportunities for reflection and discovery in the first few weeks of December -- Journeying with Jenn, Year in Review with Katie, and Evolutionary Conversations with Marianne, to name a few. Check out the list and listen to hear what calls to you.

Coming soon to a Meditation Studio near you -- new pathways for right relationship with yourself, each other, Earth and all beings in 2022. Your Studio and our community continue to evolve into expanding awareness and deepening kindness.


Upcoming EventsMarianne Rowe